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Woodrow Wilson is regarded by many as being the worst President in US history, although some would say that the current occupant of the White House is giving him a run for his money. Just over 100 years ago, under Wilson, the income tax became law, the Federal Reserve was created, and an ever-growing government led to deficit spending and reckless money printing led to inflation that reached 12-13%. Our guest this week on Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio is Lawrence Reed. Your host Dennis Tubbergen talks with Larry about the current state of the economy, the similarities to the past, and the path back to a prosperous country where individual freedom and liberty are restored.

Lawrence W. Reed is FEE's President Emeritus, Humphreys Family Senior Fellow, and Ron Manners Global Ambassador for Liberty, having served for nearly 11 years as FEE’s president (2008-2019). He is the author of the 2020 book, “Was Jesus a Socialist?”, as well as Real Heroes: Incredible True Stories of Courage, Character, and Conviction, and Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism.

For information about Mr. Larry Reed, please visit www.LawrenceWReed.com. For more information about Retirement Lifestyle Advocates, please visit www.RetirementLifestyleAdvocates.com.