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On RLA Radio this week’s interview features Michael Oliver, founder of Momentum Structural Analysis. He discussed his views on the US economy and various markets with your host, Dennis Tubbergen. Oliver believes the Federal Reserve is scrambling for data points to latch onto, particularly regarding inflation. He also discussed the potential repercussions of a collapse in the yen due to the interest rate differential between Japan and the US. Oliver predicts that US treasuries are underpriced and could become a safe haven asset if certain technicals are triggered. He also believes that silver will outperform gold in the near future and that goldminers are currently undervalued. Oliver did not provide a specific price target for silver but suggested it could reach 2-3% the price of gold. He also anticipates a bull run in commodities.

Michael Oliver has been studying markets for over four decades, but it was the 1987 stock market crash that became his “aha!” moment and converted him to what he calls “momentum structural analysis.” Mr. Oliver is the CEO of Momentum Structural Analysis LLC based in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is also the author of The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism. Since 1992 Momentum Structural Analysis has provided unique technical research to the financial industry - banks, RIAs, hedge funds, and mutual funds - as well as to individual investors.

To learn more about this week’s guest Mr. Michael Oliver, please visit https://www.olivermsa.com/