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This week on RLA Radio, economist Dr. A. Gary Shilling discussed the current state of the economy and markets with your host, Dennis Tubbergen. Shilling expressed concern about the concentration of market cap in a few tech companies, comparing it to similar periods in history that signaled economic trouble. Shilling also stated that he believes US stocks are overvalued and investing in them is high risk. He suggested that the Federal Reserve is currently in a neutral position, neither raising nor lowering interest rates. Shilling also discussed the impact of high interest rates on the real estate market and consumer spending and expressed concern about the increasing US government deficit.

Dr. A. Gary Shilling is an American financial analyst and commentator who appears on a regular basis in publications such as Forbes magazine, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal.  He is also the author of the monthly newsletter INSIGHT and the book “The Age of Deleveraging.” You can get a free copy of the INSIGHT newsletter by calling 888-346-7444.

For more information about our guest, Dr. A. Gary Shilling, or to inquire about his Insight newsletter, please visit www.agaryshilling.com.