Silver to reach $200 per ounce… and more. Dennis Tubbergen welcomes back to Retirement Lifestyle Advocates radio, Mr. Michael Oliver. According to Oliver, since mid-2018, gold has gone from $1160 to $2000 and has done so without the help of weak stock markets. Now the dollar is turning downwards while markets are at highs. Big investors seem to be moving assets into different sectors, and soon we may see a violent rebalancing. He discusses how silver broke one of their momentum oscillators last year, afterward, moved rapidly to near $30. This next move could easily be eightfold. As such silver is now poised to outperform gold.
Michael Oliver has been studying markets for over four decades, but it was the 1987 stock market crash that became his “aha!” moment and converted him to what he calls “momentum structural analysis.” Mr. Oliver is the CEO of Momentum Structural Analysis LLC based in Greensboro, North Carolina. He is also the author of The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism.
To learn more about this week’s guest Mr. Michael Oliver, please visit