Subjective adjustments to the consumer price index include hedonic adjustments, adjustments to weightings of the items considered in the consumer price index, and substitution.
A good argument is to move some of your assets to a Roth IRA (if it makes sense for you) and to hold physical assets in your portfolio.
3 of every 4 personal income tax dollars collected go to pay interest on the debt.
Just like planning for an approaching storm, you can’t wait until the storm is here and expect to achieve a great outcome.
Interest costs on the debt now consume such a large portion of tax revenues that the trend cannot be reversed.
Industrial demand for silver is growing due to the increased emphasis on green energy.
Hang on. This could get bumpy.
Housing, oil, stocks, and economic output priced in gold would make the world a lot different place.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”
It likely depends on the future action of the Federal Reserve. But, it’s also reasonable to assume that gold will higher when priced in US Dollars. If you’re a long-term investor, it pays to keep that in mind.