After the Federal Reserve was founded in 1913, it took the private bankers just one year to begin to issue Federal Reserve notes.

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Webster defines illusion as something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality. That perfectly describes the current economic environment and investing climate.

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The recent prosperity we’ve seen in the economy is the result of deficit spending which means it hasn’t been prosperity at all – it’s been a prosperity illusion.

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In the not-too-distant future, the Fed will be the ultimate buyer of most US Government debt resulting in a severe stagflationary environment.

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The deal to increase the debt ceiling will force the Federal Reserve to fund the majority of future deficit spending, culminating at some point with an ugly economic reset.

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With the debt ceiling drama debate now complete, ending as expected with an agreement to continue to operate with monster deficits for the foreseeable future, it’s a good time to discuss how far down the road the collective group of Washington politicians will be able to kick the public debt accumulation can.

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The Fed’s two policy options moving ahead will produce a difficult economic and investing outcome for retirees and aspiring retirees.

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Rapidly increasing levels of credit card debt had me concluding that Americans were increasingly dealing with rapidly rising consumer prices by resorting to accumulating debt on their credit cards.

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The Fed, the central bank of the United States, after increasing interest rates .25% after its last meeting, issued a statement that was a bit different than other, recent statements after the Fed decided to increase interest rates.

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Aggressive US sanctions against some countries globally are simply adding gas to the de-dollarization fire, as countries look to establish a permanent alternative to the US Dollar.

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