Inflation will continue until the US government gets its fiscal house in order.
The wealth gap is not just a United States phenomenon; it exists everywhere that currency creation has been utilized.
One of the best inflation hedges is to own precious metals.
It seems that China knows the Fed has no good options, too. The country is swapping her US Treasuries for gold.
I strongly believe that we will see new highs in the silver market in the relatively near future, given fiat currency weakness and industrial demand for silver that exceeds the mining supply.
It’s astonishing how few people want to acknowledge the reality. Social Security will run out of money.
By the end of the current fiscal year in September, interest expense will be $1.6 trillion, up from $1.1 trillion in February of this year.
If there is too much debt to be paid, it will not all be paid.
Our war against inflation is a loss, and our debts have increased.
In response to these inflationary pressures, consumers and central banks are investing in gold.