For many years I have written about how economic data is often ‘massaged” (or manipulated?) to make the reported numbers look more favorable.

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Ever since the time of the Great Financial Crisis, I have written about the topic of bubbles.

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Debt has consequences. As does currency creation to temporarily mask the economic effects of excessive debt.

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Over the past couple of years or so, every American has felt the effects of this dollar devaluation first-hand as consumer price inflation has driven the price of nearly every necessity higher.

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Depression parallels? Not a comfortable topic to discuss, to be sure. But as my now oft-quoted history professor used to say, “those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it”.

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The Chinese Yuan is gaining favor around the world at the expense of the US Dollar.

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Happy New Year! And, with the new year comes higher taxes, thanks to the Washington politicians.

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As the year 2022 comes to a close, and we look forward to next year, it is difficult to move ahead, anticipating a better year economically speaking.

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In reading an article penned by Egon von Greyerz this past week, I was reminded of the prescient writings of George Orwell as it relates to where we now find ourselves economically and politically.

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The push toward central bank-issued digital currencies continues as inflation continues to demolish purchasing power around the world.

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